In keeping with the reduction of COVID-19 cases in Orange County, we have moved forward with “Cohort training” in some of our programs and classes. Cohort training allows contact sparring/drilling with up to 2 other students per week. These partners may not shift and students are encouraged to coordinate with one another outside of class to align their schedules. We have segregated kids cohort sparring into a separate class so only those parents who are comfortable can have their kids stay the extra 15 minutes. Each cohort group will keep physical distance from other groups using the grid drawn on the mat. As always, all doors will be open and our large beyond HEPA air purifiers will be running to ensure adequate air flow. Masks are not required while sparring.
New schedule will be effective on Feb 22, 2021:

Our “full social distancing classes” will continue to operate in the manner we have been for the past 11 months. This includes:
- Classes will be limited to 10 people
- Masks required
- All classes will be no contact consisting of solo exercise/grappling dummy drills/analysis
- All students will be assigned a taped off section of mat space that others may not enter
- In person classes will be supplemented with Zoom except for AM adults class
- Mats and dummies will be cleaned prior to every class
- Modified schedule to allow for cleaning and distancing between classes
- Medical grade air purifiers that can remove particulates down to .003 microns (virus size)
- We do not anticipate we will need to turn away students due to the limited class size at this time, but we will add classes if this becomes a problem.
- Parents/spectators are not allowed during class, but may monitor on the livestream
- People who live in the same household may train with one another may be drilling partners
- Students with a persistent cough/sneeze/fever will not be permitted to attend in person. This includes allergies and other common causes unfortunately.